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ICB Firetube Boiler
The Cleaver-Brooks Model ICB firetube boiler is a 3 - pass integrated package with components designed to work together seamlessly.
D-Type Watertube Boiler
The CBCW is the newest addition to the Cleaver-Brooks IWT family. Designed with a 100% membrane water-cooled furnace, this boiler system includes a high-efficiency boiler and burner, heat recovery economizer, advanced control system, and complete exhaust
CRE Economizer
New technology exclusive to Cleaver-Brooks enables the C2X-HE to be the first two-stage condensing economizer in the industry to achieve up to 94% efficiency. It is smaller and lighter than current two-stage economizer models and is ideal for high-percent
Profire D-Series
The ProFire® D series forced draft design allows for trouble-free and superior efficiency across a wide range of applications.